Team members Nathan Hesketh (left) and Erinn Locke (right) competing at the provincial youth qualifiers in Montreal
First Post!
Hey folks, welcome to our new blog, where we’ll be publishing interesting news stories from our members and staff as they adventure both locally and away from home!
First up is an exciting one: Lily Dubrowski, Nathan Hesketh, and Erinn Locke travelled to Montreal last month for a CEC National Qualifier (Quebec Provincial Championships) along with 7 other team members and their coaches Erin Boyd and Ben Winstanley. Lily placed 6th in Girls B, Nathan placed 7th in Boys A, and Erinn placed 3rd in Junior Girls – These results qulified them to compete on the national stage at Delire Escalade in Quebec next weekend – Feb 17-19.
Stay tuned for updates and results from this competition!